Presented at Museo de la Cancillería in San Antonio, Texas
(Mexican institute of culture)
02 junio 2022.
This is LatinAmerica gallery
New York. City
29 septiembre 2022
“Hope built a house and put up a tile that said: "Welcome those who come to this home." Fame built a house and mostly didn't put tiles on it. A cronopio built a house for himself and, following custom, put various tiles that he bought or had made on the porch. The tiles were arranged so that they could be read in order. The first read: Welcome to those who come to this home. The second said: The house is small, but the heart is big. The third said: The presence of the guest is soft as grass. The fourth said: We are truly poor, but not of will. The fifth read: This poster annuls all the previous ones.”
-Raja, dog. Julio Cortazar.-
Refugio (shelter) is an artistic proposal developed around home, identity and the nostalgia of when people migrate to another place, that place that is often a geographical space and other times just a mental space.
Through ceramic architectural sculptures, Lorenzo makes allegorical representations of houses with pictorial elements loaded with personal and collective stories, which invite the viewer to inquire about their own physical and mental displacements.
With this exhibition, Lorenzo Lugo McKelvain builds a village of shelters that store narratives and memories, paying homage to those places of containment and protection that people create or find along the way to take refuge or give refuge.
Pamela Meraz Taboada.
Have you felt it? Imagine leaving your house forever, going out aimlessly, taking burning memorizes with you, ignoring the map but continuing to walk on; from populations displaced by war, to those who lose a love, all of us in one way or another, have sought refuge.
When I see Lorenzo's houses I wonder what they are made of. Ceramics is the medium but the secret is in his own life path. A few years ago, his native Torreón was darkened by the violence between cartels and he had to get out of there. Winds from the Bajío took him to San Miguel de Allende, where he reinvented his cosmos; partner, family, the threads broken by destiny. With his heart, he wove them together even stronger.
The houses in this exhibition are made of that memory, experience and identity, placed under the flame of a spirit that finally gave them body as unique pieces, testimonies of scars and hopes, that invite us to become little ones and get into them to invoke under its ceiling the sweet images of the homes we once inhabited.
Migrating is transformative, valuing, losing in order to win, seeing the world with gratitude, and learning to receive those who are looking for a physical, mental, and emotional home. Lorenzo shelters us with his Art. Knowing how to laugh and remembering that each of his works brings the essence of a migrant, tells stories of the desert, of lost hugs and found caresses.
Lorenzo Lugo McKelvain, with the voice of an eternal child, sings softly molding clay and reminds us that the house that is never demolished or abandoned is the one that exists within the soul.
-Written in Correo st. By Miguel Canseco Tarotist White Magician Friend of Lorenzo-